"Final Render"
(252 KB)
Example.04: Particle Gathers and Becomes Logo
(AE5.5 PRO & FinalEffectsComplete)

AE-TIPS 04 : Adobe After Effects CS5 (
Resolution: 640x480
Third-Party AE Plugins:

- Knoll Light Factory
Third-Party Footages:
- No Use

Creating the Logo Material

Also, Use The Logo "MOTION GRAPHICS".
Be the same as the Example.03.
I think whether to be easy to understand the still picture
rather than an animation.

"FEC Pixel Polly"
(133 KB)

Division by Particle

When you want to create the Material which carries out "Particle gathers",
Apply Reproduces reverse in many cases.

Disunit Logo by Particle.
Apply Effect > FEC Particle > FE Pixel Polly.
Adjust the value of a parameter.

View Effect Controls Window
"FE Pixel Polly"

(227 KB)

Glow effect

Shine The Material of STEP2 using Glow.

Apply Effect > Stylize > Glow.
Adjust the value of a parameter.

View Effect Controls Window

(243 KB)


Put The Material of STEP3 into a New Composition.
Apply Layer > Enable Time Remapping.

View Timeline Window

"Final Render"
(252 KB)


It will complete if you composite all Materials.
Apply "Lens Flare" as a dessert.

The detail information about "Final Effects Complete"